A devastating diagnosis. A family’s life is changed forever.

When a child receives a life limiting or life threatening diagnosis, a family’s world is turned upside down. It’s a terrifying, lonely time – and help can’t wait. Acorns can be their light in the darkness. We will do everything we can to reach children and families in urgent need of our specialist care and support.

Join the fight for local families. Help us be there when they need us.

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Every year we spend £350,000 taking our hospice care into family homes. 

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The demand for end-of-life care at Acorns has significantly increased by 47%.


It costs around £30,000 per day to run our vital care services across three hospices.

You can help

We need your support to be there for children with life limiting or life threatening conditions. Join the fight today and get involved.

Make a donation

You can help us make sure families caring for life limited children are never alone.

With your support, we can be there for every child and family – wherever and whenever they need us.

Donate today

Fundraise for Acorns

Help raise vital funds so we can be there when families need us most. Whether you put on a bake sale or run a quiz night, every penny makes a huge difference.

Click below and get inspired by checking out our fundraising resources.

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Your impact

We’re here to support every child and their family who need us, in any way we can. Our aim is to be there at every stage of a child’s life and beyond.

Our care is tailored for each individual child and our teams have the skills, knowledge and facilities to meet families’ unique needs. Every year we provide care to more than 750 children and around 1,000 families, including those who are bereaved.

A girl sits in a wheelchair, covered by a blanket, and smiles. She has a tube into her nose

Care for a dying child

Acorns gives families the power of choice when their child dies. We help them make heartbreaking decisions in those final moments. The power of choice allows them to say goodbye where they feel most comfortable.

A boy sits in a chair and is lowered into the water in an Acorns hydrotherapy pool. He is smiling

Freedom through therapy

Acorns gives children the chance to enjoy moments of life free from or with reduced pain so they can sing, swim and express who they are in their own way. The freedom of movement offers relief and allows them to just be children.

A little girl is lying down. She has an oxygen mask on her face and a tube going into her nose

Care where you need it

Our Outreach service gives greater choice on how families access our help. By going directly to homes and the local community, we reduce isolation and ensure families know we are here for them whenever and wherever they need us.

An Acorns nurse sitting with a little girl in a sensory room, gazing up at a soft purple light

A nurse for every need

Nurses are at the heart of what we do and make Acorns the special place it is. Our specialist Children’s Palliative Care Nurses are trained to deliver the highest standards of care, tailored to the complex needs of the children they work with.