Through multisensory therapy, children with cognitive and sensory impairments and other conditions can have the opportunity to enjoy and control a variety of sensory experiences.

Multisensory facilities

We use a combination of light, sound, touch, and smell, both in the hospice and the family home (where possible), to provide a multisensory experience as therapy for stimulation and relaxation purposes.

The service is available to all our children. Family members, in particular siblings, also use the space to relax and recharge.

In addition, the hospices have mobile multisensory units that can be brought to a child, either in their bedroom or another part of the hospice. The facility and aids are used appropriately with each individual child by care staff and trained befrienders to create the appropriate environment and multisensory experience; either stimulating or relaxing a child, depending on their need.

An Acorns nurse sitting with a little girl in a sensory room, surrounded by soft purple light

Each of our three hospices has a special multisensory room which features a range of varied optical, acoustic, olfactory, and tactile stimuli including:  

  • Colour bubble tubes  
  • Flexible coloured fibre optics  
  • Music equipment adaptable for all ages  
  • Sensory UV lights  
  • Colours – using the effects on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being  
  • Projection equipment  
  • Water beds