Our specialist short breaks offer nurse-led clinical care for babies, children, and young people with highly complex palliative care needs, providing day care for a few hours or a longer period of days/weeks as required. Most respite care short breaks are delivered in the hospice but can also be provided within a family’s home.

Each child has an individual care plan that is tailored for their medical, emotional, cultural, religious, and spiritual needs, which is developed by an experienced and qualified multi-disciplinary team of professionals.

Short breaks may allow the whole family to be together and to be supported in the care of their child, or it may offer respite care solely for the child or young person.

Enabling parents and families to take a break is essential, so that they may recharge their batteries or perhaps spend time with other children. It also provides the child or young person with an opportunity to enjoy social interaction and leisure facilities.

Bed booking guidance   

  • You can make requests via phone to the hospice, with a Family Practitioner or ask at the hospice before you go home
  • A maximum of 12 nights can be booked in one year
  • We can consider up to 8 nights however this cannot be guaranteed. Bookings may be limited to only 3 to 4 nights at a time to ensure we can support as many children as possible
  • Bookings are considered on a weekly basis. Please do not book accommodation etc. until we confirm your booking
  • If you are going away, we ask you to have a contingency plan in place for your child’s care in case we need to send them home earlier than planned
  • Only two bookings can be “in the diary” at any one time to ensure as many families as possible have the opportunity for a break
  • Priority will be given to children requiring end of life care, symptom management or where there is an identified emergency

Just to remind you:

  • Bookings run from 3 pm on the day of arrival until 12 midday on the day of discharge home.
  • All medication must be in the original boxes with clear dose and use by dates. An instruction to take “as directed“  is not acceptable and we may be unable to admit your child.
  • Don’t forget to bring the basics, toothbrushes, toiletries and socks etc. as well as any special equipment.
  • Please allow time for us to go through your child’s care plan with you to ensure we get things right.

Booking a stay: A guide for parents and carers
